10 Best Museums In Rome In 2023

Museums are an excellent opportunity to learn about a city’s history and culture, and Rome is one of the world’s most culturally diverse cities. This capital city is famous for its illustrious past and diverse culture.

There are numerous museums in Rome with something for everyone. This city provides a wide range of attractions for those interested in art, archaeology, and history, from the Vatican Museums to the Museum of Roman Civilization.

Moreover, several best museums in Rome offer breathtaking city landscapes, and various additional attractions are nearby. These museums provide informative guided tours that give intriguing insights into Rome’s remarkable history.

10 Best Museums in Rome

  • Vatican Museums
  • Galleria Borghese
  • Capitoline Museums
  • Castel Sant’Angelo
  • National Roman Museum
  • Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
  • Villa Farnesina
  • MAXXI Museum
  • National Etruscan Museum
  • Museum of Roman Civilization

Here are the top 10 museums in Rome that you absolutely must visit while there. Find out which museums in Rome are the best and which ones you shouldn’t miss by reading about them.

1. Vatican Museums


Vatican Museum is one of the top attractions in Rome. The Vatican Museums in Rome is a collection of museums and galleries inside the Vatican City State. 

The museum houses various significant works of art, including the Sistine Chapel, the Raphael Rooms, the Beato Angelico Chapel, the Gallery of Maps, and Loggia, and the Borgia Apartment.

As their art collections grew over the centuries, succeeding Popes extended the museums by constructing new wings and structures.

The museums now have 54 galleries with masterpieces from Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as well as Renaissance painters like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

 Don’t miss visiting the Vatican Museums in Rome, which contain an incredible collection of religious art.

2. Galleria Borghese


The Galleria Borghese, often known as the “Borghese Gallery,” is an art gallery located in Rome, Italy, in the historic Villa Borghese Pinciana. It is one of the most favorite tourist attractions in Rome.

Although it is a spectacular structure that combines gardens, architecture, and a museum, the Galleria Borghese museum is currently the most popular tourist attraction.

The museum has a remarkable collection of artwork, sculptures, and artifacts. The majority of the collections that Cardinal Scipione Borghese initially assembled in the 1600s are now on display at this museum.

Galleria Borghese is one of the most famous art museums in Rome. Its collection, which spans twenty rooms, includes several paintings, sculptures, and antiques.

The Borghese Gallery is one of the most enjoyable places in the city despite being a small and innocuous museum.

3. Capitoline Museums


The Capitoline Museum is located atop Campidoglio Hill and is one of the best museums in Rome.

The Capitoline Museums were built by Pope Sixtus IV in the fifteenth century and are among the oldest national museums in the globe.

The enormous collection of ancient sculptures, artifacts, and archaeological finds on exhibit at this museum, all discovered in and around Rome, has made it so famous.

The iconic “She-wolf,” Rome’s legendary symbol, is one of the main attractions here. The rooftop restaurant, with its stunning views of Rome, is a popular attraction of a visit to the Capitoline Museum.

Any traveler to Rome who wants to learn more about the city’s historical past should visit the Capitoline.

4. Castel Sant’Angelo


The Castel Sant’Angelo is located on the city’s outskirts, on the other side of the Tiber River banks from the Forum and other significant landmarks.

This Rome museum originated as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian and his family but later became a museum.

It is currently one of the best museums in Rome and has a fantastic collection of sculptures, paintings, antique weapons, and military artifacts.

Due to its association with several important historical moments in Italian history, the castle is culturally and historically significant.

Therefore, don’t forget to explore Castel Sant’Angelo to learn about Italian history and hidden itineraries.

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5. National Roman Museum

The Italian name for the National Roman Museum is Museo Nazionale Romano.

This best Museum in Rome is a collection of four buildings, including the Crypta Balbi, the Palazzo Altemps, the Diocletian Baths, and the Palazzo Massimo.

The early history of Rome, archaeological discoveries, and how the Eternal City came to be are all covered in detail in this multi-branch museum. 

The museum was established in the 1890s to display artifacts from archaeological excavations but later expanded with the introduction of more collections.

Every floor of the museum is allocated to a different era or exhibition section, with the ground and first floors emphasizing sculptures from the Roman Republic to the Imperial periods. 

The second floor of the museum is devoted to frescoes. Other buildings contain sculptures, frescoes, mosaics, coins, and jewelry from the late Republicans to the end of the Roman Empire.

6. Palazzo Doria Pamphilj


The Galleria Doria Pamphilj is housed within a 16th-century Doria family mansion (Palazzo Doria Pamphilj) and contains mostly paintings from the family’s private collection.

However, the royal Roman Doria Pamphilj Landi family has owned the palace for many generations. It’s also one of Rome’s finest treasures, and everyone can appreciate its beauty without needing to be an art enthusiast.

Paintings completely encircle this mansion because many generations of this family have been enthusiastic art lovers. The collection comprises works of art by Titian, Raphael, Caravaggio, Correggio, and Velazquez.

Aside from the artwork, the walls and ceilings are lavishly adorned with stunning frescos, tapestries, and chandeliers.

In this museum, you can enjoy art in a historical environment. It’s one of the best museums in Rome and a little pricey, so it’s less crowded.

7. Villa Farnesina

One of the most magnificent structures from Rome’s Renaissance era, Villa Farnesina is a mansion constructed between 1506 and 1510.

The structure has two floors, two tiny wings, and a core block. The villa has a stunning U-shaped design. The palace’s interior is lavishly decorated with frescoes by famous artists such as Raphael, Sebastiano del Piombo, and Peruzzi.

Villa Farnesina is a significant example of the richness and elegance that dominated Italian culture throughout the Renaissance era.

If you want to admire the artistic beauty of this villa, you must visit the best museums in Rome at least once.

8. MAXXI Museum


MAXXI is an abbreviation for Museo Nazionale delle Arte dei XXI secolo and is located in Rome’s northern Flaminio area.

The structure, designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid, is a destination in its own right and was awarded the Stirling Prize from the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2010.

It is the National Museum of 21st Century Art and presents exhibitions of works by top contemporary artists that are vibrant, intellectually interesting, and socially conscious.

In addition to organizing exhibits, MAXXI also arranges seminars, concerts, speeches, and other educational activities. It is one of the best museums in Rome Italy.

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9. National Etruscan Museum

The National Etruscan Museum is an Etruscan cultural museum located in Villa Giulia.

The Etruscans were contemporaries of the early Romans and had a significant impact on the establishment of Rome. They were afterward conquered and adopted into Roman culture by their neighbors.

One of the best art museums in Rome, it is the most extensive collection of Etruscan artwork in the world and is a must-visit for anybody with a fascination for either history or art.

Among the collection’s notable items are a life-size terracotta statue of Apollo, ornamental bowls, gold Pirgi tablets, pottery, and jewelry.

The museum organizes many events throughout the year, including lectures, readings, live music, and temporary exhibitions.

Additionally, there are stores outside the museum where you can buy souvenirs, pottery, literature, jewelry, and other Etruscan artifacts.

10. Museum of Roman Civilization

This museum is another best museums in Rome’s Civilization. You can see a scale model of what Rome looked like in the past at the Museum of Roman Civilization.

Additionally, there are reconstructions of some well-known Roman artifacts that give you an in-depth look at life in the Imperial Roman period.

With these artifacts, visitors can observe the growth and evolution of Roman culture in the past. It is a fantastic opportunity for tourists to learn about ancient history.

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